Use the Find-a-Therapist or Find-a-Psychiatrist function to search on providers who choose to advertise on this popular site; multiple filters like insurance participation, client age range, and treatment issues to meet your specific needs.
APA, the national professional organization for psychologists, provides resources for the public, including informational pamphlet on specific mental health concerns, a directory of links to get help during the 2020-2021 pandemic, and a link to YouTube videos produced by APA
The county Community Services Board provides emergency mental health and addictions services at various locations in Fairfax County and Falls Church City. Use the "Find Out More" button to access website information, or call Emergency - 703-573-5679 Detox - 703-502-7000 (24/7). Similar services can be found for residents of other jurisdictions by searching on "community services board" and the name of your city or county.
24/7 Crisis Link hotline and suicide crisis line, text support, care phone line for elderly/homebound. Call: 800-273-TALK [8255]. Text: “CONNECT” to 855-11
Lifeline Chat:
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